Sunday, April 22, 2012

¡Extran Hero! Numero Cuarenta y Cinco: "Theater Week"


  1. It strikes me as an interesting inversion to have a chest be humankind's last hope when it's a chest (or a box) that is the result of all the evil and suffering in the world in Greek mythology's story about Pandora. Although I think that hope is the one thing she traps in the box once all of the nefarious and nasty crap has flown out. Did the play directly allude to Pandora?

    And I'm glad you had a proud parent moment! How did the recital go?

    1. Nice reference, Bob! I just asked the teacher if the play used Pandora as inspiration, and she said while she is familiar with the play it was not the basis. In this play, the chest doesn't actually contain anything, but represents the search for a "way out," or salvation of mankind.

      The recital went great, thanks for asking! It was cathartic seeing the students perform after this months-long process, which consisted of reading the poems as a class, selecting the readers, and practicing pronunciation and rhythm many times. It was also a weight off our shoulders that allowed us to move onto new projects. Looking back on the past few months, we've done a lot with the students, but it always feels as though we can do so much more!
